Well it's been a while since I posted - I've been slaving away over
Starship Troopers and it's looking good; fortunately the deadline has been pushed back, so that's taken some pressure off! I've had other illustration work to do as well as the comics, so the delay is
more than welcome.
My story will appear in issues #9 and #10 and is called
Triple Threat. There are three artists and three writers in all, writing and drawing the three parts to the story. One of the other artists is
Scott James, who I've spoken to on the phone a couple of times - and his work is fantastic - he doesn't mind calling me all the way from the USA to talk comics, so he's a good guy in my book! He's also done the covers for the two books, and they look great.
Here is a sneak peek at one of my panels - I can't show more or I'd be giving away the story :-)