Back from the Birmingham Comics Show - and great fun it was too. It's been over 10 years since I went to one of these things, and it was great to see some familiar faces, and meet many new ones.
Matt Smith from
2000AD seemed to like my work, and is going to send me a sample script to work from, so that's going to be priority number 1 when I get it! I managed to show my portfolio to lots of artists, to get their opinions and valuable advice...
PJ Holden was, as ever, a wealth of knowledge! That guy really knows his stuff and was happy to spend time with Sharon and myself, pointing out ways to improve my work.
The Rebellion 2000AD stand:
Here's me with PJ - look how pleased he is to see me!
PJ drawing a sketch of Mean Machine for a fan:
Mike Mignola was great, and made my day when he looked at my portfolio and said he would assume I was already working in comics - that put a big grin on my face. I've been a huge fan of his stuff for many years - his artwork and now his writing.
Meeting Mike Mignola:
Mike again, sketching on Sunday morning:Another highlight for me was meeting the legend Mick McMahon - I was a major fan of his Dredd stuff back in the 70's and 80's, so to have his advice was fantastic.
Mick Mcmahon, who is obviously thrilled to meet me:
I have to give a special mention also to
Rufus Dayglo, who sat down with me and gave a great crit of my work - he has real passion and enthusiasm for comic art and was a pleasure to talk to, as well as writer/editor
Tony Lee, who said I should get myself down to the Bristol con next year.
Duncan Fegredo was also a star! He was happy to chat for ages, giving me great advice and showing us his portfolio of Hellboy: Darkness Calls pages, which were friggin' fantastic.