So what have I been up to all these months - well, work on Project Luna: 1947 continues, and I recently had some time to really hammer out some pages and it was great fun. This book is going to be fantastic, and I'm almost at the halfway point now, when things really start to heat up! I'm still loving the drawing, the colouring AND the lettering. I'm also learning a LOT as I go. Here are a few unlettered pages (I don't know why they aren't clickable - stupid blogger, I'm going to Wordpress soon):

I've also been hard at work on my monthly football strip in KiCK! magazine, as well as all my other cartooning work. Here is a recent strip:
So it's been comic artist business as usual! My early New Year's resolution is to update this blog more regularly... let's see how long I can keep it up (but with the new Battlefield Vietnam coming out next week, it isn't going to be easy!!)